Interior spaces, Czech Republic
The Lower Vítkovice area of Ostrava is characterized by an industrial atmosphere that requires an individual approach to procurement. That’s why Fortelock Light PVC floor tiles in a diamond tread were chosen as the ideal surface. This highly durable covering highlights the aesthetic value of the surroundings and functionally meets the requirements for durability and easy installation.
What the client says:
In order to maintain the image of its historic premises, the client originally wanted to install plating on the floor. But the floor was quite unstable and therefore we proposed using Fortelock Light, which seemed ideal to us as an alternative for not disrupting the image of these buildings. The investor and architect agreed and the final contract was more advantageous in terms of affordability. In addition, the quality of the floor is very good.
Deputy supervisor Centers, V – floors
Implementation details
Installer: V – floors
Location: Lower Vítkovice area, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Area: 300 m2
Material used: Fortelock Light