Car Repair Shop, Spain
The renovation of the floor of a large car repair shop in Valencia is a great example of the use of Fortelock PVC tiles. The old concrete floor does not need to be demolished or complexly repaired. Just basically sweep it and fill in the larger irregularities with sealant and the installation can begin. You can watch the process in our video. The advantage is that the old concrete floor will no longer degrade, causing you dust and mess.
Fortelock PVC tiles not only look great and give the space a modern look. Its advantages lie mainly in thermal and noise insulation, resistance to impacts of heavier objects, liquids and engine fluids. If a part does get damaged, it is very easy to replace it with a new one.
Installation details:
Location: Spain
Product: Fortelock Industry
Area: 300 m2
Pattern: Diamond
Colour: Graphite, Grey, Rosso Red